Character Lab’s WOOP: How Wishes Come True

London motion men Pedro Allevato and Miguel Rato mix illustration, design, 2D, and 3D animation into a lively promo for Character Lab’s self-control program called WOOP (Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan).

“WOOP is an activity for articulating and achieving wishes. It can be used in any academic or personal setting so students can earn better grades, develop physical fitness, and build stronger relationships.”
Style frames:

Pedro Allevato Character Lab | STASH MAGAZINE

Pedro Allevato Character Lab | STASH MAGAZINE

Pedro Allevato Character Lab | STASH MAGAZINE
Final Frames

Pedro Allevato Character Lab | STASH MAGAZINE

Pedro Allevato Character Lab | STASH MAGAZINE

Pedro Allevato Character Lab | STASH MAGAZINE

Client: Character Lab

Director: Pedro Allevato & Miguel Rato
Designer: Pedro Allevato
Producer: Pedro Allevato & Miguel Rato
Motion Designers/Animators: Pedro Allevato, Miguel Rato, Jonathan Lindgren and Peter Lowey
Sound Design: Bruno Allevato