DixonBaxi: 15 Years Young

Running a successful design business for a decade and a half is beyond tough. Keeping your creative output intriguing and meaningful while you do it is a balancing act few studios master. Meanwhile in London, 15 years after their launch, branding and motion house DixonBaxi seem to be just getting underway.

Their latest reel, a head-snapping master work of editorial surgery astride “Saint Rhythm” by Two Fingers (aka Amon Tobin), showcases the depth and breadth of the studio’s tasteful and vibrant work while allowing us a glimpse into the studio’s process and the humans behind it.


Simon Dixon: “Our new brand reel is intended to try to describe the huge scope of what we do as a creative agency. As we create so much diverse and visceral work we want to express this. However, we also spend a huge amount of time building strategies and design systems for our clients and we wanted to give a sense of this.


“We make creative work that engages over a billion people a day in pretty much every territory in the world. This is an awesome responsibility and the work shown represents how seriously we take this and try to make engaging, driven and inspiring work for everyone.


“We hope the reel excites our partners and clients, gains us new friends and lets creatives know there’s an exciting place to work if they want to get in touch.”

As regular Stash readers know, we very rarely ever feature demo reels. The last one appeared in Jan. 2015, for the Brooklyn agency Huge, who were also celebrating their 15h anniversary.

Design and motion: DixonBaxi
Edit: Greenaway & Greenaway