Exploring the Dance of Sound and Motion

CD Jorge Canedo Estrada and designer Avikali Lomavatu at Ordinary Folk in Vancouver team with composer Ambrose Yu for an experimental personal project they call “Instrumental Visual Poem” where the music drives the design and animation.

Jorge Canedo Estrada: “Some time ago, Avi came up with the idea for a personal project with a fundamental question: What if we let the concept be shaped by the music? What if we allowed the melodies to choreograph a ballet of shapes?

“That’s where Ambrose entered the picture, composing a symphony that would serve as the centerpiece for everything else. The music set the tone, evoking feelings of persistence, determination, and breakthrough. We divided it into a sound chart consisting of four sections and got to work.

“The resulting designs were deceptively simple yet captivating, and we aimed to maintain the same direction in the animation.”

“Avi initiated the design process, exploring bold and unique shapes devoid of shading. This approach allowed us to arrange compositions that synchronized seamlessly with the music’s rhythm, using the theme and sound chart as the cornerstone for design.

“The resulting designs were deceptively simple yet captivating, and we aimed to maintain the same direction in the animation. The stark black-and-white aesthetic compelled me to animate it in a manner that conveyed sharpness and impact, all while ensuring the more organic elements of the film harmonized with the overall concept.”
Ordinary Folk and Ambrose Yu Instrumental Visual Poem | STASH MAGAZINE

Ordinary Folk and Ambrose Yu Instrumental Visual Poem | STASH MAGAZINE

Ordinary Folk and Ambrose Yu Instrumental Visual Poem | STASH MAGAZINE

Ordinary Folk and Ambrose Yu Instrumental Visual Poem | STASH MAGAZINE

Ordinary Folk and Ambrose Yu Instrumental Visual Poem | STASH MAGAZINE
Creators: Avikali Lomavatu, Ambrose Yu, Jorge Canedo Estrada