Pikdrei Opens the Beyond Tellerrand Conference 2023 With a Splash

Tobias Gallé at design studio Pikdrei in Mannheim, Germany: “We were invited with the fantastic brief of ‘You are allowed to do whatever you want’, to create the opening titles for the 2023 Beyond Tellerrand Conference in Berlin.

“The German expression ‘über den Tellerrand hinausschauen’ translates to ‘looking beyond the edge of one’s plate’ in English. It figuratively means to broaden one’s perspective, think outside the box, or consider possibilities beyond what is immediately apparent or familiar.

“In collaboration with musician and sound designer Tobias Neumann from brokensound, Pikdrei has literally brought to life a journey beyond ‘the edge of the plate’ and outside of the box.”

The Beyond Tellerrand Conference is an annual event that brings together creatives, designers, developers, and other enthusiasts from various fields to present, discuss, and inspire innovative ideas and perspectives in the realms of design, technology, and creativity.

“In collaboration with musician and sound designer Tobias Neumann from brokensound, Pikdrei has literally brought to life a journey beyond ‘the edge of the plate’ and outside of the box, stylistically representing the different stages of the creative process.

“Every creative individual is familiar with the typical steps that the creative process entails, from initial ideas to doubts, discarding approaches, all the way to the final artwork. And after the project as before the project, it’s the creative’s hero’s journey.”
Beyond Tellerrand Conference 2023 Pikdrei | STASH MAGAZINE

Beyond Tellerrand Conference 2023 Pikdrei | STASH MAGAZINE

Beyond Tellerrand Conference 2023 Pikdrei | STASH MAGAZINE

Beyond Tellerrand Conference 2023 Pikdrei | STASH MAGAZINE

Beyond Tellerrand Conference 2023 Pikdrei | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Marc Thiele, Beyond Tellerrand

Production: Pikdrei
Motion design: Luise John, Tobias Gallé

Music/sound design: Tobias Neumann @ Brokensound