JM Blay Washi Art Film Traditional Japanese Paper | STASH MAGAZINE

“Washi” Art Film Interprets the Process of Making Traditional Japanese Paper

Designer/director JM Blay in Valencia, Spain: “On the occasion of the Imadate Art Fair in the prefecture of Echizen in Japan, I was invited to create an audiovisual piece for an art exhibition for the Echizen Museum.” [Watch]

Soft and Cushy Tempur Brand Video by Blay Studio

Founder and director JM Blay at Blay Studio: “We were approached to create several tech videos for Tempur, well-known for its R&D, engineering, manufacturing, and distribution of mattresses, pillows, and other sleep and relaxation products. [Watch]

Dare To Roam Launch Campaign by Blay Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Dare To Roam Launch Campaign by Blay Studio

JM Blay at Blay Studio in Valencia, Spain: “NYC-based agency Harper+Scott approached Blay Studio to create an animation for the launch campaign of Dare to Roam (DTR), a new accessories brand specializing in antimicrobial bags founded by Ciara Princess Harris and themselves.” [Watch]