Brummie Kong Short film by Kong Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Kong Studio Traces the Unlikely Adventures of “Brummie Kong”

Co-founder Bill Elliott at Kong Studio in London: “Our in-house Long Story Short series is about showing truth can be stranger than fiction in the space of a single minute. This latest installment was already in production when we heard the great King Kong would be making a return to Birmingham in 2022 for the […] [Watch]

Did I Miss Anything? Long Story Short Kong Studio Beardyman | STASH MAGAZINE

“Did I Miss Anything? Long Story Short” by Kong Studio

Director/co-founder Bill Elliott at Kong Studio London: “The Long Story Short concept is to tell an informative, entertaining, and true tale in under 60 seconds. [Watch]

BBC Ideas Resilience by Kong Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Kong Studio Reinforces the Importance of “Resilience” for BBC Ideas

Co-founders Bill Elliott and Tom Baker at Kong Studio in London: “2020 has been a rough ride for many people around the world. The need to be resilient on both personal and societal levels seems ever more important. [Watch]