LUSH Self Preserving Explainer by Mummu Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

LUSH “Self Preserving” Explainer by Mummu Studio

From the team at Mummu Studio in London: “International natural cosmetics skincare brand LUSH sought the help of our Mummu Health division to simplify the science behind their new self-preserving skincare range, educating customers about the benefits of the microbiome, and why it matters for your skin health. [Watch]

Lush Cosmetics The Snow Fairy Feral Child | STASH MAGAZINE

Lush Cosmetics “The Snow Fairy” by Feral Child

Aiming to “sprinkle kindness, courage, and confidence” this holiday season, London animation studio Feral Child (headed by Nella Addy and Rogan van den Berg) crafts a snow-laden fantasy in cosmetics retailer Lush’s first Christmas campaign. [Watch]