Marques_Human Rights | STASH MAGAZINE

Renato Marques: Of Human Rights and AK-47s

Lisbon director/designer Renato Marques illuminates a strong script with austere and striking CG to mark the 66th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Produced thru US prodco Workhouse Creative and backed by music and sound design by Marco Almeida. [Watch]


Buck Pimps Santa’s Ride for Honda

Unlike the Batmobile, a redesign of Santa’s sleigh usually involves mild-mannered and unexceptional tweaks but Buck LA and Santa Monica agency RPA take the assignment to a clever new level in this 2:30 director’s cut underscoring Honda’s “The Power of Dreams” tag. Built on a head-slapping why-didn’t-I-think- [Watch]

BTW the Cracks: Glassworks “Freeview: Pond View”

Stink directing duo Jake Knight and Ryoko Tanaka (aka Ne-O) teamed with Glassworks to create this CG/live action Westside Pond Story based on Leo Burnett London’s creative. Powered by The Kinks’ classic “You Really Got Me,” the spot somehow slipped by us back in October. Check the making of clip here. [Watch]

BTW the Cracks: Zeiguised “Absolute Amber”

Tasty and tasteful 3D abstraction from Amsterdam’s 3D abstraction masters that we failed to acknowledge when Zeitguised dropped it in late summer. Part of a commissioned art series featuring artists’ impressions of Absolute products. Produced thru Stink Berlin and Sid Lee Amsterdam. [Watch]

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