Coca Cola returnable Yeti and Nottoscale | STASH MAGAZINE

Yeti and Nottoscale Get Their Hands Up for Coca-Cola

Somehow, during the chaos that was 2024, we missed this series of happy-go-lucky animated Coke spots directed by Yeti Pictures thru Nottoscale and London agency Inside Job, so we’re making up for it right now. [Watch]

Stash 169 preview | STASH MAGAZINE
WealthSimple Sluggish by Martin De Thurah and BaconX | STASH MAGAZINE

Martin De Thurah & BaconX Feeling “Sluggish” in New WealthSimple Spot

The animation and VFX crew at BaconX in Copenhagen and Epoch Films director Martin De Thurah combine forces for a cheeky take on the powers of perseverance in this beat-perfect spot for Canadian online investment platform Wealthsimple. [Watch]

Stash-Motion-Profile-Hornet | STASH MAGAZINE

Stash Motion>Profile: The Continuing Buzz About Hornet

The fourth installment in our series of Motion>Profiles visits Hornet in New York for a peek at their sweet new offices and learn a few of the secrets that propelled them into the top tier of the planet’s creative studios. [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2024-VFX | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2024: VFX!

The suspension of disbelief (also known as poetic faith) provides a welcome escape for today’s stressed audiences and these VFX-heavy motion projects deliver that relief in ambitious quantities. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2024 Characters | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2024: Characters!

The broad range of styles and production techniques seen in these seven films speaks to just how energized and extraordinary 2024 was for character design and animation across the motion industry. [Watch]