Steelworks Launches Anacapa 2 Mach X Shoes for HOKA | STASH MAGAZINE

Steelworks Launches Anacapa 2 & Mach X Shoes for HOKA (Director’s Cuts)

CDs Nidia Dias and Miguel Rato at London CG studio Steelworks showcase both the features and aesthetics of HOKA’s Anacapa 2 and Mach X shoes in these vigorous launch spots for the activewear brand thru Anomaly LA. [Watch]

HOKA Murmuation commercial Mathematic Anomaly | STASH MAGAZINE

Mathematic Conjures a “Murmuration” of Athletes for HOKA

Director Leigh Powis and the VFX crew at Mathematic in Paris ensure sportswear company HOKA lives up to its name (derived from the Māori for “fly over the earth”) in this dizzying airborne adventure thru Anomaly. [Watch]