Refik Anadol Zaha Hadid Architecting the Metaverse | STASH MAGAZINE

“Architecting the Metaverse” Installation by Refik Anadol and Zaha Hadid Architects

From the team at Zaha Hadid Architects: “‘Architecting the Metaverse’ is a collaboration between ZHA and Refik Anadol Studio and part of the ‘Meta-Horizons: The Future Now’ exhibition at DDP Design Museum in Seoul, South Korea.” [Watch]

Unsupervised MoMA NFT Collection Refik Anadol | STASH MAGAZINE

“Unsupervised MoMA NFT Collection” Teaser by Refik Anadol

Refik Anadol, media artist and director in Los Angeles: “What would a machine mind dream of after ‘seeing’ the vast collection of The Museum of Modern Art? In other words, if the corpus of images of the MoMA collection had been accomplished by a single artist, what would their dreams look like? [Watch]

"Sense of Space - Molecular Architecture" Installation by Refik Anadol | STASH MAGAZINE

“Sense of Space – Molecular Architecture” Installation by Refik Anadol

Refik Anadol, the Turkish-American new media artist who previously transfixed us with his Melting Memories work, just released Molecular Architecture, an installation combining AI data sculpture and large-scale 3D printing. [Watch]

Engram: Data Sculpture for Melting Memories

Installed at the Pilevneli Gallery in Istanbul, Refik Anadol’s hypnotic Data Sculpture for Melting Memories comprises a five-meter high media wall driven by custom software and explores “the intersection of advanced technology and contemporary art.” [Watch]