Ford Mustang GTD spot by ManvsMachine | STASH MAGAZINE

ManvsMachine Muscles Up for the Ford Mustang GTD

The Ford Mustang GTD supercar (800+ HP, $325,000) made its IRL debut at Le Mans on the weekend with the ManvsMachine crew providing back-up with this supercharged CG glimpse at the most powerful street-legal Mustang ever. [Watch]

Polyester Studio Ford Smoothie | STASH MAGAZINE

Polyester Studio Serves Up Ford Smoothies

From the team at Polyester Studio in Toronto: “Animating Ford’s commitment to sustainability by showing how the natural materials that go into Ford vehicles can be turned into a smoothie.” [Watch]

Ford Truck "Gears" animated film by Zombie Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Zombie Turns “Gears” and Tears for Ford Trucks

Can Ford connect to truck drivers with an emotional animated film? It sounds counter-intuitive but agency GTB Brazil and São Paulo’s Zombie Studio give it a heartfelt try with this massive CG project. [Watch]

Milkyeyes_Ford Driving Skills | STASH MAGAZINE

Milkyeyes: Driving Skills for Life

Italian animation innovator and provocateur Donato Sansone (aka milkyeyes) suppresses his natural tendency toward the NSFW and grotesque to hand-craft a snappy don’t-text-and-drive message for Ford Italy. [Watch]