ESPN "Loud Channel Rebrand" by Superestudio | STASH MAGAZINE

ESPN “Loud Channel Rebrand” by Superestudio

Creative agency Superestudio in Buenos Aires: “Designing a unified look for the visionary ESPN sports brand across all international territories, including key markets of Latin America, Africa, Oceania, and South East Asia, was epic. [Watch]

Promax 2020 Virtual Experience Open by Superestudio | STASH MAGAZINE

Superestudio Opens Promax 2020 Virtual Conference

From Promax: “Buenos Aires, Argentina-based creative agency and Promax 2020 Design Partner Superestudio had to pivot quickly when Promax’s annual global conference went from in-person to online. [Watch]

Superestudio TFX rebrand IDs | STASH MAGAZINE

Superestudio Rebrands TFX

Ezequiel Rormoser, creative director at Superestudio in Buenos Aires: “This is a sizzle reel gathering 20 IDs we did for the TFX rebrand, a channel for French millennials. [Watch]