Best-of-Stash-2023-Advertising | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: Advertising!

Filtering out the best from the torrent of worldwide commercial advertising is a definite slog but ultimately worthwhile because hidden in that relentless flow of mediocrity you will find gems worth snatching and savoring. [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2023-Characters | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: Characters!

2023 was another stellar year for character-driven design and animation projects with an extraordinary range of styles and production techniques all focused on a singular goal: ensuring the narrative engages and resonates. [Watch]

Stash issue 161 | STASH MAGAZINE
Giant Ant and Rover To My Hooman | STASH MAGAZINE

Giant Ant Delivers an Adorable Message “To My Hooman” for Rover

Narrated by Rooster the dog, this quirky/adorable brand film animated by Vancouver storytellers Giant Ant anchors a surprisingly emotional new campaign from Seattle agency Little Hands of Stone (LHoS) for pet care platform Rover. [Watch]

Stash issue 158| STASH MAGAZINE
residence-logo-black-square | STASH MAGAZINE

BUCK Launches Residence: A Multidisciplinary Creative Network

From the release: Today marks the debut of Residence, a multidisciplinary network of companies with the shared vision of creating a thriving ecosystem to empower the creative community at large by nurturing rising talent, encouraging egoless creativity, and fostering community among its members. [Watch]