Ford Mustang GTD spot by ManvsMachine | STASH MAGAZINE

ManvsMachine Muscles Up for the Ford Mustang GTD

The Ford Mustang GTD supercar (800+ HP, $325,000) made its IRL debut at Le Mans on the weekend with the ManvsMachine crew providing back-up with this supercharged CG glimpse at the most powerful street-legal Mustang ever. [Watch]

Tendril Unfolds Elegant Fantasy for the Huawei Pocket 2

The geometric fantasy world of Dutch fashion designer Iris van Herpen comes to life with tasteful restraint in this product film for the Huawei Pocket 2 phone that “remaps and redefines the boundaries between technology, art and fashion.” [Watch]

Scholar Opens Google Marketing Live 2024 Event | STASH MAGAZINE

Scholar Sets the Stage for Google Marketing Live

The 2024 edition of the Google Marketing Live event opened with this bright and bubbly mixed-motion sequence lead by Scholar CDs Will Campbell and Juan Carlos Cuadra who set out to “showcase what Google AI can do for you”. [Watch]

Clim-Studio-for-Roger-&-Gallet | STASH MAGAZINE

Sophisticated Happiness: Clim Studio for Roger & Gallet

Founded in 1862, venerable French perfume brand Roger & Gallet looks anything but its age in this series of effervescent new spots from Clim Studio in Barcelona crafted to “exude joy and sophistication”. [Watch]

Ricola commercial by Trizz Studio FUSE Create | STASH MAGAZINE

Trizz Studio Keeps it Sweet and Gooey for Ricola

Teaming with Toronto agency FUSE Create, the crew at Barcelona’s Trizz Studio whip up a swirling elixir of CG gooiness showcasing the ingredients (honey, caramel, and Swiss herbs) that go into Ricola Throat Balm lozenges. [Watch]

Noodle Finds Perspective Where 2D and 3D Meet in “Origin” Short Film

Following on the quirky charm of his 2023 short film Ripe, Noodle founder/CD Doug Alberts just dropped us his latest motion experiment called Origin, a snappy meditation on perspective and the boundary between 2D and 3D. [Watch]