Sundance Film Festival trailer 2019 BY Golden Wolf | STASH MAGAZINE

Sundance Film Festival trailer 2019 by Golden Wolf

Golden Wolf: “We were thrilled to be asked to create this kinetic trailer for the Sundance Film Festival 2019.”

BRAWL STARS "Launch Trailer" Psyop Golden Wolf | STASH MAGAZINE

Psyop and Golden Wolf Launch Brawl Stars for Supercell

From Psyop and Golden Wolf: “A combination of both 2D and 3D animation, set in a neo-Western landscape, the Brawl Stars trailer brings a new visual style that breaks with the conventions of Supercell’s previous hit games. [Watch]

Eddy signs Golden Wolf | STASH MAGAZINE

Eddy Signs Golden Wolf

From the release: Eddy is thrilled to announce the collaboration between the London based award-winning creative studio Golden Wolf and the Parisian production company. [Watch]

Bulleit Tattoo Edition - New York and Portland Golden Wolf | STASH MAGAZINE

Bulleit Tattoo Edition: New York and Portland by Golden Wolf

Golden Wolf: “Working with our friends at Barton F. Graf, we created these two spots for Bulleit’s Limited Tattoo Edition bottles! Cheers!” [Watch]

Golden Wolf New York | STASH MAGAZINE

Golden Wolf Launches New York Studio

London animation crew Golden Wolf Launch New York Studio. [Watch]

Nike Phantom soccer boots Golden Wolf | STASH MAGAZINE

Nike Phantom Boots x 3 by Golden Wolf

Three amped-up animated films anchoring the campaign for Nike’s new PhantomVSN soccer boot crafted in concert with Nike’s design team by London’s Golden Wolf who also created in-store visuals. [Watch]