Bloody Good Period "Typically" by Anna Ginsburg and Caitlin McCarthy | STASH MAGAZINE

Bloody Good Period “Typically” by Anna Ginsburg and Caitlin McCarthy

UK charity Bloody Good Period takes on period shame for Menstrual Hygiene Day 2021 with a no-holds-barred animated film directed by Strange Beast roster-mates Anna Ginsburg and Caitlin McCarthy thru Mother London. [Watch]

Cheerios Good Starts commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Cheerios “Good Starts” Spot by Caitlin McCarthy and Parallel Teeth

From Strange Beast in London: “[Director/animators] Parallel Teeth and Caitlin McCarthy collaborate to direct a bright and flowing campaign for Cheerios. The goodness in the cereal goes on a journey being shared by friends and family, starting a chain reaction of happiness and smiles. [Watch]

Strange Beast VOW commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Strange Beast VOW “To End Child Marriage”

A string of diverse and upbeat animation clips from Strange Beast directors and collaborators help get the word out about VOW and the charity’s quest to end child marriage. [Watch]

“How to Soothe Ourselves and Others” by Caitlin McCarthy

Animator and illustrator Caitlin McCarthy in London: “A short film on the topic of soothing, commissioned by The School of Life.” [Watch]