Tylko "Truck" Brand Film by Kijek/Adamski | STASH MAGAZINE

Tylko “Truck” Brand Film by Kijek/Adamski

Director/animators Kasia Kijek and Przemek Adamski in Warsaw, Poland: “This short film commissioned by Polish furniture brand Tylko aims to display the joy of traveling across Europe while delivering the orders.” [Watch]

Facebook "Cybersec" Brand Film by Kijek/Adamski | STASH MAGAZINE

Facebook “Cybersec” Brand Film by Kijek/Adamski

Directors Kasia Kijek and Przemek Adamski at Kijek/Adamski in Warsaw, Poland: “Someone breaking into your Facebook account is like someone breaking into your home. A short video about cybersecurity commissioned by Facebook.” [Watch]

Anifilm and ŻUBROFFKA Festival trailers by David Štumpf | STASH MAGAZINE

Whimsy and Wonder: David Stumpf’s Festival Trailers

The work of Slovakian director/animator David Stumpf inspires adjectives like witty, playful, and unpredictable – which have made him a popular choice lately for film festivals looking to grab attention in a distracted world. [Watch]

Strange Beast VOW commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Strange Beast VOW “To End Child Marriage”

A string of diverse and upbeat animation clips from Strange Beast directors and collaborators help get the word out about VOW and the charity’s quest to end child marriage. [Watch]