Best-of-Stash-2021-Advertising | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2021: Advertising

While the bulk of advertising produced each year may induce yawns or irritation, if you look long and hard enough you will find exceptional work that combines creative and technical innovation to deliver emotional engagement. [Watch]

Wimbledon is Now the Official Tennis of Sipsmith Gin | STASH MAGAZINE

Wimbledon is Now the Official Tennis of Sipsmith Gin

The master puppet team of maker Andy Ghent and animator Andy Biddle join Biscuit director Jeff Low to reprise the stop-motion charm of Mr. Swan and his undentable ego for Ogilvy and Sipsmith Gin’s partnership with Wimbledon. [Watch]

Sipsmith "Mr Swan" stop motion animation | STASH MAGAZINE

The Making of Sipsmith Gin’s “Mr Swan”

Take a look at the extraordinary level of craftsmanship invested in this spot for London Gin distillers Sipsmith by Biscuit director Jeff Low and a stop motion team whose credits include Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs and Fantastic Mr. Fox. [Watch]