Best-of-Stash-2021-Advertising | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2021: Advertising

While the bulk of advertising produced each year may induce yawns or irritation, if you look long and hard enough you will find exceptional work that combines creative and technical innovation to deliver emotional engagement. [Watch]

Stash 148 Drops over Two Solid Hours of Inspiration | STASH MAGAZINE
France Television "Sumo" by Geoffroy Barbet-Massin and Mikros MPC | STASH MAGAZINE

France Television “Sumo” by Geoffroy Barbet-Massin and Mikros MPC

Merging modern sports action with traditional Japanese art, director Geoffroy Barbet-Massin and the Mikros MPC crew in Paris unleash a finely drafted promo for France Television’s coverage of the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. [Watch]

Stash issue 143 Preview | STASH MAGAZINE
Vittel "Biodiversité" Campaign by Mikros MPC | STASH MAGAZINE

Vittel “Biodiversité” Campaign by Mikros MPC

French bottled water brand Vittel celebrates the natural diversity of their mountainous source region of Vosges with a set of three full CG spots by Mikros MPC in Paris starring a boxing bee, a dunking squirrel, and breakdancing ladybug. [Watch]