Best-of-Stash-2021-Advertising | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2021: Advertising

While the bulk of advertising produced each year may induce yawns or irritation, if you look long and hard enough you will find exceptional work that combines creative and technical innovation to deliver emotional engagement. [Watch]

Toyota Noras Joy by Kyra Constantin Passion Pictures | STASH MAGAZINE

Toyota “Nora’s Joy” Holiday Spot by Kyra & Constantin and Passion Pictures

Passion Animation directors Kyra & Constantin, who kept tear ducts wide-open last year with this spot for Ernst, turn their talents for character and narrative to a Toyota driver who finally gives into sharing holiday joy. [Watch]

Toyota "Upstream" Super Bowl Spot by Tarsem and Framestore | STASH MAGAZINE

Toyota “Upstream” Super Bowl Spot by Tarsem and Framestore

Our prediction for Super Bowl LV: tears will flow… thanks to this Toyota work from Radical Media’s Tarsem Singh and the Framestore VFX crew recounting the incredible journey of Jessica Long from orphan amputee to Paralympian swimming champion. [Watch]

Toyotathon: "The Journey" by LOBO | STASH MAGAZINE

Toyota “The Journey” by LOBO

From the release: This holiday season, Toyota is bringing an enduring and endearing message of love and togetherness to cross-cultural audiences through a new commercial developed by Conill, in collaboration with international creative studio LOBO. [Watch]

Toyota “Start Your Impossible - Lily Rice” (Director’s Cut) commercial by Rune Milton | STASH MAGAZINE

Toyota “Start Your Impossible – Lily Rice” (Directors Cut)

Thanks to the scale and emotion of this Toyota spot from director Rune Milton (with VFX by Copenhagen’s TGBVFX and Mikael Balle VFX), UK teen Lilly Rice’s quest to boost the profile of WCMX (wheelchair motor cross) just leaped into the mainstream. [Watch]

Meet the Monsters of Toyota’s “Drive Happy Project”

Australian visual effects and post shop Alt.VFX show off their CG creature craft in this spot for Toyota New Zealand featuring furry manifestations of the top five frustrations facing new car buyers. [Watch]