Best-of-Stash-2021-Advertising | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2021: Advertising

While the bulk of advertising produced each year may induce yawns or irritation, if you look long and hard enough you will find exceptional work that combines creative and technical innovation to deliver emotional engagement. [Watch]

Stash 148 Drops over Two Solid Hours of Inspiration | STASH MAGAZINE
Greenpeace "Wasteminster" by Sil van der Woerd and Jorik Dozy | STASH MAGAZINE

Greenpeace “Wasteminster” by Sil van der Woerd and Jorik Dozy

Directors Sil van der Woerd, Jorik Dozy, and their environmentally focused prodco Studio Birthplace team with VFX house Method & Madness to portray the shocking mountain of plastic waste the UK exports every day. [Watch]