Dougal Wilson Channel 4 IDs | STASH MAGAZINE

Monumental New Channel 4 IDs by Dougal Wilson and MPC

The creative team responsible for the brilliant “We’re the Superhumans” Paralympics spot (Blink director Dougal Wilson, MPC, and 4creative) are back with a set of standout IDs for Channel 4. [Watch]

Jackie Green Good Advice | STASH MAGAZINE

Bill Plympton has “Good Advice” for Jackie Greene

New York’s own Oscar-nominated indie animation legend Bill Plympton brings his signature brand of twisted hand-drawn fun to “Good Advice” from former Black Crowe Jackie Greene. [Watch]

Mercedez Benz X Class Follow | STASH MAGAZINE

Mercedes X-Class “Follow” Making Of

Hamburg VFX powerhouse Infected reveals the immense amount of love, sweat and fur they put into the making of this spectacular mini-epic for the new Mercedes X-Class luxury pickup. [Watch]

Stranger Things 8-bit Cinema | STASH MAGAZINE

8-Bit Stranger Things: Season One Recap

The second season of Stranger Things went live today on Netflix so to help you catch up on all the upside down action, here’s director David Dutton’s fabulous 8-bit recap of season one. [Watch]

Flesh Nest CG film | STASH MAGAZINE

Andrew Thomas Huang Invites You to the “Flesh Nest”

Visual innovator Andrew Thomas Huang’s newest video experiment mixes technical deconstruction, motion capture, and Baroque chaos into nine chapters of lush and wonderful weirdness a year in the making. [Watch]

Ned Wenlock_Spring Jam | STASH MAGAZINE

Be Happy: Take a Peek at Oneedo Studio’s “Spring Jam”

Director Ned Wenlock and his intrepid crew at Oneedo Studio in Wellington, NZ, craft a carefully structured and beautifully drafted underdog tale in their animated short film “Spring Jam.” [Watch]

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