Cartier Magician Watches and Wonders Geneva 2024 by Six N Five | STASH MAGAZINE

Six N. Five Plays “Magician” for Cartier Watches

Drawing on his previous motion experiments, digital artist Ezequiel Pini (aka Six N. Five) and his team conjure a lyrical two-and-a-half minute showcase for Cartier timepieces that premiered at the Watches and Wonders Geneva 2024 event. [Watch]

Stash issue 164 | STASH MAGAZINE
Six N Five Species Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Six N. Five Squares Up to Nature in “Species” Short Film

Argentinian designer/digital artist Ezequiel Pini, whose studio Six N. Five in Barcelona gave us the brilliant CG short film The Revolt, just released his latest digital opus, a meditation on organic geometry called Species. [Watch]

Make Room for Us by Six N. Five Proposes Architecture for the Metaverse | STASH MAGAZINE

Six N. Five Proposes Architecture for the Metaverse in “Make Room for Us” Short Film

Creative director Ezequiel Pini at Six N. Five in Barcelona: “Humans modify, adapt, and ultimately destroy what mother nature freely offered to us. Home, the earth, is all we have. It is our plan A and also, plan B.” [Watch]

Six N Five and Plenty Play PlusMinus Vibia | STASH MAGAZINE

Six N. Five and Plenty Play With the Fluidity of Light for Vibia

Director Ezequiel Pini and the teams at Six N. Five in Barcelona and Plenty in Buenos Aires transport us to a tranquil house at sunset to showcase the PlusMinus product line from American lighting brand Vibia. [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2021-Short-Films | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2021: Short Films

Removing client briefs and budget concerns from the creative equation can result in paralyzing indecision or, in the case of these eight short films, it can spark a confident quest for narrative and visual innovation. [Watch]