WET animated short film Ecole des Nouvelles Images | STASH MAGAZINE

Steamy, Slippery, and Sweaty Student Film “WET”

After winning a shelf-full of awards on the festival circuit, École des Nouvelles Images students Marianne Bergeonneau, Lauriane Montpert, Mélina Mandon, Cloé Peyrebrune, and Elvira Taussac have released their romantic fantasy WET online. [Watch]

Stash issue 158| STASH MAGAZINE
Sangyeong Seo Finding My Zen Manifesto for Life and Design | STASH MAGAZINE

A Wonderful Zen Manifesto for the Design Life by Sangyeong Seo

South Korean director/animator Sangyeong Seo: “‘Finding My…’ is a motion design film that was displayed at the graduation exhibition organized by the Hansung University Design & Art Institute in Seoul. [Watch]

B-Line Boby Trolley Spec Product Film by Eunto VDAS | STASH MAGAZINE

The B-Line Boby Trolley Still Looks Amazing 50+ Years Later

The groundbreaking B-Line Boby trolley, designed by Joe Colombo in 1970 and part of the MoMA permanent collection, receives a snappy homage in this student work by South Korean director/animator Eunto during his tenure at VDAS. [Watch]

Mano Short Film Toke Madsen The Animation Workshop | STASH MAGAZINE

Director Toke Madsen and The Animation Workshop Release “Mano” Short Film

Simmering with understated tension and atmosphere, Toke Madsen’s graduation film demonstrates a mastery of character subtleties and narrative timing while wrapping it all in classical light and impressionist rendering. [Watch]

Stash Magazine issue 157 | STASH MAGAZINE