Best-of-Stash-2023-VFX | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: VFX!

The art and craft of VFX never really gets the recognition it deserves. First, because the work is often meant to be undetectable and second, many still believe “it’s all done by computers.” Hopefully, this compilation helps right those wrongs. [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2023-Advertising | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: Advertising!

Filtering out the best from the torrent of worldwide commercial advertising is a definite slog but ultimately worthwhile because hidden in that relentless flow of mediocrity you will find gems worth snatching and savoring. [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2023-Explainers | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: Explainers!

We don’t know of any other best-of-year lists that recognize explainer videos but Stash has a definite soft spot for designers and animators with the skill set and patience required to distill complex ideas into engaging content. [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2023-Event-Films | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: Event Films!

As directors and studios embrace the expanding creative freedom associated with producing titles and trailers for design-related events, the visual and emotional rewards have multiplied exponentially for both organizers and fans. [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2023-Music-Videos | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: Music Videos!

Music videos published in the The Stash Permanent Collection will always value the director’s design/animation/VFX craft over the popularity of the performer, which makes our year-end list refreshingly different than most. [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2023-Product-Films | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: Product Films!

To break out of the noise and chaos of the consumer marketing complex, brands need to elevate their products with outstanding creative and confident execution that snares eyeballs, ramps up desire, and opens wallets. [Watch]