Iron Reign Title Sequence Netflix Series by MonoGrafo | STASH MAGAZINE

MonoGrafo Opens “Iron Reign” for Netflix With Grit and Menace

CD Fernando Marcilla and the team at Madrid motion design studio MonoGrafo, whose versatile talent for title sequences can be witnessed here and here, sets a gritty and menacing tone for the Netflix Spanish crime thriller series Iron Reign. [Watch]

Coat of Arms Opens the 2024 SXSW Film & TV Festival

In their latest opening titles for the SXSW Film & TV Festival, the design and animation crew at West Virginia studio Coat of Arms wrangle a collage of materials and techniques into a playful motion style they call Western Pop. [Watch]

Apple TV Manhunt titles Digital Kitchen | STASH MAGAZINE

Digital Kitchen Crafts History for Apple TV+ Series “Manhunt”

Carefully weaving together archival imagery, live-action footage, and animation, the Digital Kitchen motion team sets a tense and foreboding tone in the main titles for the Apple TV+ true crime drama series “Manhunt”. [Watch]

Samsung-wallet films Woot Creative Chiel | STASH MAGAZINE

Woot Creative Loops in Samsung’s Wallet in Four New Films

Woot Creative, the Seoul-based 3D motion and animation studio whose versatility we’ve seen demonstrated in very different spots for Dell and Fissler, are back with a delightful set of four looping films for Samsung’s digital Wallet. [Watch]

Annual-2024-Banner | STASH MAGAZINE

Creativepool Annual 2024: Final Entry Deadline May 23rd

The creative industry’s MOST award opens for entries with four brand new categories reflecting the changing landscape of the creative world. [Watch]

Coca Cola Ramadan The Mill AKQA | STASH MAGAZINE

Coca-Cola Brings Everyone Together in Ramadan Spot

Lead by Mill+ director Tim Fox, The Mill’s London and Paris animation teams craft Coca-Cola’s first ever spot celebrating Ramadan, the holy month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community observed by Muslims worldwide. [Watch]