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Kimathi Flavien Solves the Design Puzzle in “Stack” Short Film
If the sense of joy from your work has ebbed lately, this new personal motion project from Paris-based animator and graphic designer Kimathi Flavien should help you remember the fun that designing for design sake can bring. [Watch]
Savants’ Keep it Elemental for TRC 2038 (Director’s Cut)
Savants, the pan-European directing collective who opened the 1.4 Awards in London last year with this piece of whimsy, set a vastly different tone in this elemental brand film for the innovative Milan-based denim label TRC 2038. [Watch]
OK Go Gets Framed in “A Stone Only Rolls Downhill” Video
A thousand takes, eight days, 64 phones, one impossibly complex music video. Yes, OK Go is back and in fine form with a music video for the track “A Stone Only Rolls Downhill” directed by OK Go’s Damian Kulash and Chris Buongiorno. [Watch]
Yeti and Not To Scale Get Their Hands Up for Coca-Cola
Somehow, during the chaos that was 2024, we missed this series of happy-go-lucky animated Coke spots directed by Yeti Pictures thru Not To Scale and London agency Inside Job, so we’re making up for it right now. [Watch]
Meet Danbi Kwak and Her Nifty Nag Champa Promo
South Korean motion designer Danbi Kwak makes her Stash debut with this snappy CG passion project, a spec promo for the venerable Indian brand Nag Champa and the power of its incense products to sooth the mind and body. [Watch]
Mr. Kaplin Answers the Question “What does it feel like to have ADHD?”
Inspired by the mental health journey of his daughter Mia, London-based 3D motion director Robert Glassford (aka Mr Kaplin), animates a colorful and hope-filled answer to the question “What does it feel like to have ADHD?” [Watch]