Assembly and Jonny Kofoed Find the Point of Change for Deloitte | STASH MAGAZINE

Assembly and Jonny Kofoed “Find the Point of Change” for Deloitte

With ample helpings of visual wit and style, director Jonny Kofoed and the motion team at Assembly in Auckland, New Zealand, transform dry facts and numbers about corporate change into an engaging message for Deloitte. [Watch]

UN Equality Our Final Frontier Jonny Kofoed Assembly | STASH MAGAZINE

UN “Equality: Our Final Frontier” by Jonny Kofoed and Assembly

Jonny Kofoed, director and founding partner at Assembly in Auckland, New Zealand, helps UN Women make the case we should tackle global gender equality before grand schemes like bionic eyes, walking on Mars, and a moon colony. [Watch]

Johnny Kofoed_McWhopper | STASH MAGAZINE

Peace One Day Wants to Build the “McWhopper”

Assembly director Jonny Kofoed and his intrepid team of three animators makes a compelling case for the proposed 24-hour detente between Burger King and McDonalds in’s continued campaign to make the world a nicer place. [Watch]