UN Equality Our Final Frontier Jonny Kofoed Assembly | STASH MAGAZINE

UN “Equality: Our Final Frontier” by Jonny Kofoed and Assembly

Jonny Kofoed, director and founding partner at Assembly in Auckland, New Zealand, helps UN Women make the case we should tackle global gender equality before grand schemes like bionic eyes, walking on Mars, and a moon colony. [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2021-VFX2 | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2021: VFX

In the right hands, the superpower of digital visual effects allows the impossible to be recast as reality. When thoughtfully integrated with live-action to support (rather than upstage) the narrative, the results can be magical. [Watch]

United Nations Dont Choose Extinction Murray Butler Framestore | STASH MAGAZINE

United Nations “Don’t Choose Extinction” by Murray Butler and Framestore

Framestore Pictures’ director Murray Butler and the Framestore creature VFX team resurrect a 70 million-year-old Utahraptor (voiced by Jack Black) to deliver a message about the dangers of fossil fuel subsidies and their contribution to our own extinction. [Watch]

UN Global Call to Creatives | STASH MAGAZINE

UN Issues Global Call to Creatives on COVID-19 Crisis

UN Secretary-General António Guterres: “We are in an unprecedented situation and the normal rules no longer apply. We cannot resort to the usual tools in such unusual times. [Watch]