CNN "Dreamland" Documentary Segments by Meister | STASH MAGAZINE

CNN “Dreamland” Documentary Segments by Meister

Director CJ Cook at Meister in Portland: “We were approached by The SpingHill Company to produce a series of vignettes for CNN’s documentary “Dreamland: The Burning of Black Wall Street.” [Watch]

Being Human Is Android Docuseries | STASH MAGAZINE

Android Docuseries Explores What “Being Human Is”

Five tales of mobile technology creating real and positive change combine into an uplifting animated series for Android directed by Nico Carbonaro and Tuesday McGowan thru Oakland prodco Where the Buffalo Roam. [Watch]

Kyle Kinane Trampoline in A Ditch album promo | STASH MAGAZINE

Kyle Kinane “Trampoline in A Ditch” Album Promo by Meister

Producer Samantha Cook at Meister in Portland: “Comedian Kyle Kinane asked us to create an animation to promote the launch of his album, “Trampoline in a Ditch.” Kyle and his team at 800 Pound Gorilla Records were very open about letting Meister loose with this project. [Watch]