Twitter Safety Mode film by Fern | STASH MAGAZINE

Fern Dramatizes the Benefits of “Safety Mode” for Twitter

From the team at Fern in Atlanta: “Twitter’s Safety Mode helps fight online harassment, an issue that impacts a small but highly-visible group of people (including celebrities, athletes, female journalists, and marginalized communities) by giving them a tool to automatically block spammy, uninvited, harassing, or abusive replies. [Watch]

Fern Amplifies Nonprofit Donations for Overflow

From the design and animation team at Fern in Atlanta: “Overflow is an online stocks donation platform that helps nonprofits and churches accept donations of publicly-traded stock. “We popped in to help make this beautiful brand more shareable through visual storytelling. We added motion to help explain ways that their brand is changing the way […] [Watch]

Daniel Stankler How Do You Know You’re Not Dreaming TEDEd | STASH MAGAZINE

Daniel Stankler and TED-Ed Ask “How Do You Know You’re Not Dreaming?”

Director/animator Daniel Stankler in London: “Bizarre things happen in dreams but don’t seem strange at the time. So, how do you know you’re not in a dream right now? [Watch]

Emerging 100 of Atlanta. Meet the Students | STASH MAGAZINE

Emerging 100 of Atlanta “Meet the Students” by Fern

Fern animation and design studio in Atlanta: “Founded in 1986, 100 Black Men Of Atlanta is the most influential African-American volunteer organization focused on education, enrichment, and empowerment through mentorship and community service.” [Watch]

Alfa Rococo Les Choses Invisibles music video Elizabeth Laferrière | STASH MAGAZINE

Alfa Rococo “Les Choses Invisibles” Music Video by Elizabeth Laferrière

Montreal director/animator Elizabeth Laferrière brings her talent for spontaneous illustration and motion design to this light and airy music video for hometown electro-pop duo Alfa Rococo. [Watch]

Live Life Give Life Let Love Live On | STASH MAGAZINE

Live Life Give Life “Let Love Live On”

London illustrator/animator Daniel Stankler hand-crafts a surprisingly emotional animated film for UK charity Live Life Give Life highlighting the positive effects of organ donation on the personal relationships of the recipient. [Watch]