Best of Stash 2024: Characters!
The broad range of styles and production techniques seen in these seven films speaks to just how energized and extraordinary 2024 was for character design and animation across the motion industry. [Watch]
The broad range of styles and production techniques seen in these seven films speaks to just how energized and extraordinary 2024 was for character design and animation across the motion industry. [Watch]
The continuing democratization of powerful CG tools has fueled an exciting era in motion design where passionate and relentless experimentation can lead directly to emotional impact as well as breathtaking visuals. [Watch]
In 2024 the task of packaging big-budget programming remained both a high pressure assignment and a canvas for motion design innovation. These seven sequences all rose to the occasion while nudging the genre forward. [Watch]
To elevate their wares above the constant yammer of the market, brands need sharp creative and inspired execution that snares attention, fuels desire, and opens wallets – exactly like these seven films. [Watch]
Inspired by the work of Koyaanisqatsi director Godfrey Reggio, co-directors João Vaz Oliveira and Tiago Higgs wrap CG and time-lapse live-action in a monochrome grade and chiaroscuro lighting for their passion project Kairos. [Watch]
Hamburg-based CD Vitaly Grossmann, whose standout CG work we track here, teams with Paris industrial design studio Unknown, Untitled on a series of three films for German luxury luggage brand Rimowa. [Watch]