Carl Addy_Film is Fragile | STASH MAGAZINE

Burning the Best of British Cinema: “Film is Fragile”

Brilliant concept and exacting execution from director Carl Addy and the Mill+ crew in response to an open brief from the British Film Institute to create a fund-raising film for its mission to preserve and restore the national film archive. [Watch]

Royal College of Art "My Dad" | STASH MAGAZINE

Finding Friction in London with “My Dad”

Rendered in visceral, expressionistic oil pastels and backed by layered audio fragments, Marcus Armitage‘s BAFTA nominated graduation film “My Dad,” looks, feels and sounds like an edgy and experimental NFB short from the 70’s. That’s a good thing. [Watch]

Totuma Breast Cancer | STASH MAGAZINE

Treading the Fine Line for Breast Cancer

Creating hundreds of visual “boob” metaphors looks like a fun project but Totuma CD Hubert Reinfeld says creating this breast cancer awareness campaign for Lifetime Latin America was among the most difficult he and his crew have ever attempted. [Watch]

Henning Lederer_Book Covers |STASH MAGAZINE

55 Animated Vintage Book Covers

Indulge your fetish for 70’s design with this five-minute, low-key feast of tightly kerned Helvetica, Swiss-flavored graphics and Op art – courtesy of German designer/animator Henning Max Lederer. [Watch]

Nate Theis_Driving | STASH MAGAZINE

Nate Theis’ Crazed Commuter Character Crescendo

Madison, Wisconsin doesn’t leap to mind as a hotbed of animation or road rage but local director/animator Nate Theis transcends such petty limitations for his first indie film “Driving,” channeling the style of mid-20th century studios like UPA and the intense fury of big city commuters. [Watch]

Jon Boutin_Vous Regardez Un Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Jon Boutin “Vous Regardez un Film”

Wonderful mix of styles and techniques add up to a whole lot of quirky charm in this self-referential short film from director/animator Jon Boutin, currently in his third year at the EMCA in Angoulême, France. [Watch]