"Starship Troopers" TV Series Spec Titles by Mondlicht Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

“Starship Troopers” TV Series Spec Titles by Mondlicht Studios

From the team at Mondlicht Studios in Germany: “When we heard about the reboot of Starship Troopers from Casper Van Dien, we thought how fun it could be to create titles for the series and decided to depict the moment of battle when fearless soldiers try to capture a monster.” [Watch]

Donerzozo Opens "Your Life is Good" for Haokan Video | STASH MAGAZINE

Donerzozo Opens “Your Life is Good” for Haokan Video

Director/animator Donerzozo in Shanghai, China: “Your Life is Good is the first self-made variety show produced by Haokan Video, which is broadcast simultaneously on Haokan Video and Southeast TV in China every week.” [Watch]

"Blade Runner: Black Lotus" Anime TV Series Titles by John Likens | STASH MAGAZINE

“Blade Runner: Black Lotus” Anime TV Series Titles by John Likens

Director/animator John Likens at Method Studios in New York: “In 2020, when the pandemic hit hard and sent every VFX and design company scrambling to find solutions for working remotely, I got a call from Alcon Entertainment to pitch on a Blade Runner project.” [Watch]

Netflix "Untold Stories" Branding Package by Vucko | STASH MAGAZINE

Netflix “Untold Stories” Branding Package by Vucko

Toronto designer/director Andrew Vucko’s talent for stripped-down visual solutions ensures this show package for the Netflix series Untold Stories stays both upbeat and elegant. [Watch]

HBO "The White Lotus" Title Sequence by Plains of Yonder | STASH MAGAZINE

HBO “The White Lotus” Title Sequence by Plains of Yonder

Directors Katrina Crawford and Mark Bashore at Seattle studio Plains of Yonder team with Sydney illustrator Lezio Lopes to capture the eccentric spirit of HBO’s new social satire The White Lotus with a sequence of finely detailed wallpaper patterns. [Watch]

BBC "The Hundred" Broadcast Package by Coffee & TV | STASH MAGAZINE

BBC “The Hundred” Broadcast Package by Coffee & TV

From the team at Coffee & TV in London: “Animation directors Ed Kevill-Davies and Daisy Loader were commissioned by BBC Sport to design and create the visual identity and title sequence for the BBC coverage of The Hundred 2021 cricket fixtures.” [Watch]