"Un Diable dans la Poche" Short Film by Antoine Bonnet and Mathilde Loubes | STASH MAGAZINE

“Un Diable dans la Poche” Short Film by Antoine Bonnet and Mathilde Loubes

Co-director/animators Antoine Bonnet and Mathilde Loubes at Gobelins, L’École de L’Image in Paris: “After witnessing a crime, a group of children is forced to keep it a secret. [Watch]

Valorant Glitchpop skins commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Valorant “Glitchpop” Skins Spot by WAR

Riot Games’ free multiplayer first-person shooter Valorant, which launched in June with this trailer, just dropped this sweet piece of motion madness from We Are Royale (WAR) to intro a new weapon skin line called Glitchpop. [Watch]

Save Our Sons Heartbeat: A Mother's Letter To Her Son by Kyra Bartley | STASH MAGAZINE

Save Our Sons “Heartbeat: A Mother’s Letter To Her Son” by Kyra Bartley

FINCH director Kyra Bartley gathers an international team of animators to create 1,400 of the most emotional frames you will witness this year to convey the heartbreak of a mother whose son suffered from Duchenne muscular dystrophy. [Watch]

Stormzy Superheroes music video by 2veinte | STASH MAGAZINE

Stormzy “Superheroes” Music video by Taz Tron Delix and 2veinte

From 2veinte in Buenos Aires: “By request of London production company Compulsory and director Taz Tron Delix, we designed and animated the ‘Superheroes’ video clip for the amazing UK rapper, Stormzy. [Watch]

Ice Cream short film by Super Dope | STASH MAGAZINE

Super Dope Launches with “Ice Cream” Short Film

New virtual animation studio Super Dope formed in the depths of lockdown and now, after five months of work, introduces themselves to the world with this effervescent CG character piece called “Ice Cream.” [Watch]

Heatwave short film by Fokion Xenos | STASH MAGAZINE

“Heatwave” Short film by Fokion Xenos

Since graduating from the UK’s National Film & Television School in 2019, Greek director/designer Fokion Xenos has watched his ambitious MA graduation film “Heatwave” selected for 137 film festivals, winning 20+ awards along the way. [Watch]

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