Mark Lopez’ ambitious animated documentary “Segregated By Design” reveals the dark history of how federal, state, and local governments unconstitutionally segregated major metropolitan areas in the US through law and policy. [Watch]
During her senior year at SCAD, director/designer Sofie Lee gave herself the challenge “to create a film that communicated an underlying message, while still allowing the audience to sympathize with the visual portrayal of emotions.” [Watch]
UK director/animator Hannah Jacobs: “I was delighted to bring to life Tim Siebles poem First Kiss as part of TED-Ed’s series There’s a Poem for That. [Watch]
Danish animator Tobias Rud’s surprisingly emotional animated short “Sweetie O’s” follows a lonely middle-aged man as he rediscovers a brand of breakfast cereal that transports him back to the happier days of his childhood. [Watch]
Brooklyn artist, photographer, filmmaker, and Hornet director Andrew Myers describes his new personal project – a collection of quiet, eclectic, and often surreal vignettes – as “sketchbook ambience.” [Watch]
Grab a look at the preview for STASH 134 , the brilliant new addition to The Stash Permanent Collection – the unrivalled online library of motion design for advertising, music videos, broadcast and title design, brand films, game cinematics, and short films. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Brand film, Broadcast Design, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, Games, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Titles, VFX · Tags Art Camp, ATK PLN, August Niclasen, Aylen Solander, Ben Collier-Marsh, Blacklist, Blacksmith, BlinkInk, C A T K, Elastic, Filmograph, Guilherme Marcondes, Huge Designs, Jocie Juritz, Joel Plosz, Johnny Kelly, Joyrider, Lili des Bellons, Lobo, Loop, Luca & Sinem, Michel Gondry, MPC, Nexus, Nice Shit Studio, Not to Scale, Olivier Gondry, Partizan, Platige, Platige Image, Psyop, Raman Djafari, Reuben Sutherland, Ridley Scott, Saad Moosajee, Santi Zoraidez, SUN CREATURE, The Animation Workshop, The Mill, Thinh Nguyen, Timon Chapelon, Valere Amirault, Vincent Schwenk, Vitaly Grossmann, WeCanMake, WIZZ