The Brave Heart animated short film by Luca & Sinem Blinkink | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Brave Heart” by Luca & Sinem

Finally, a complete and scientifically accurate look at the inner components of your body as it deals with a hangover. Ok, so “The Brave Heart” may not be exactly textbook science but it is solidly twisted fun. [Watch]

In a Nut Shell short film Fabio Friedli | STASH MAGAZINE

“In a Nutshell” Short Film by Fabio Friedli

Fresh off a monster festival run, Swiss filmmaker Fabio Friedli reveals some of the inspiration and challenges behind his ambitious and frenetic stop-motion short film called “In a Nutshell.” [Watch]

Island short animated film Robert Löbel & Max Mörtl | STASH MAGAZINE

“Island” Animated Short by Max Mörtl and Robert Löbel

German director/animators Max Mörtl and Robert Löbel combined forces and enjoyed wide success on the festival circuit with this quirky and charming stop-motion and 2D short film called “Island.” [Watch]

Best of Stash 2018 Short films | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2018: Short Films

The creative challenge and promise of the self-imposed brief makes the short film a treasured opportunity for both professionals taking a break from client work and students trying to launch careers with the perfect graduation project. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2018: 3D Style

The explosion of visual experimentation caused by the continued democratization of 3D animation and rendering tools is arguably the most exciting design trend of this decade. These seven projects demonstrate just how spectacular the results can be. [Watch]

A Tasty Xmas short animated film by Nerdo | STASH MAGAZINE

“A Tasty Xmas” Short Film by Nerdo

A Tasty Xmas short animated film by Nerdo [Watch]