Rodrigo Miguel_Locomotion Festival | STASH MAGAZINE

Numecaniq Animates Locomoción Festival Open “Dimensional Warriors”

Opening for the Locomoción Festival in Mexico City celebrating experimental animation. [Watch]

Framestore_Semi permanent | STASH MAGAZINE

Framestore Opens the Semi Permanent Festival with Visual Alchemy

Framestore: “The treatment for the Semi Permanent titles used the seven steps of alchemical transformation as its base, likening the ancient art to the design process itself: a language known and used by those in attendance at 2017’s Semi Permanent. “Directors Akira and Dan chose to set their concept in a futuristic, sci-fi-esque environment, to […] [Watch]

Fullstack Barcelona | STASH MAGAZINE

Morphika Teases Full Stack Fest 2017

The creative crew at Morphika inject classic retro-future imagery with shiny new fun in this teaser for the Full Stack developer’s conference taking place this September in Barcelona. [Watch]

FITC Samsung Workshop | STASH MAGAZINE

Expand Your Field of View: Creating 360 Content

Join our friends at FITC for a half-day workshop in NYC to learn the basic principles and best practices for filming in 360, including how to capture video, edit and publish using the Samsung Gear 360. [Watch]

Animation Festival Berln | STASH MAGAZINE

Keeping an Eye on the Festival of Animated Film Berlin

Berlin design and animation studio dyrdee have all sorts of fun abusing a helpless group of eyeballs to promote the Festival of Animated Film Berlin (opening at the Villa Neuköln, April 25). [Watch]


Vallée Duhamel Open OFFF Barcelona

The 17th edition of OFFF Barcelona launched with this playful sequence – a confection-colored riff on Zbigniew Rybczynski’s Oscar-winning 1981 experimental short “Tango.” [Watch]