Best-of-Stash-2023-Event-Films | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: Event Films!

As directors and studios embrace the expanding creative freedom associated with producing titles and trailers for design-related events, the visual and emotional rewards have multiplied exponentially for both organizers and fans. [Watch]

Stash issue 161 | STASH MAGAZINE
Festival of Animation Berlin 2023 dyrdee | STASH MAGAZINE

Dyrdee Opens the Festival of Animation Berlin 2023 with Punk-Flavored Fun

The crew at Berlin design and animation studio dyrdee set the tone for screenings at the 2023 edition of their hometown animation festival with a fun mix of ambient Barbie aesthetics and neo-punk attitude. [Watch]

Nickelodeon On Air Sizzle Reel 2022 by dyrdee | STASH MAGAZINE

Nickelodeon On Air Sizzle Reel 2022 by Dyrdee

From the design and animation team at dyrdee in Berlin: “Working with Nickelodeon is a joyride from project start to finish line. We’re proud to have done outstanding work for international seasonal campaigns, show packages, and idents for various stunts – used in 145 countries and at least 32 languages. [Watch]

Animation Festival Berln | STASH MAGAZINE

Keeping an Eye on the Festival of Animated Film Berlin

Berlin design and animation studio dyrdee have all sorts of fun abusing a helpless group of eyeballs to promote the Festival of Animated Film Berlin (opening at the Villa Neuköln, April 25). [Watch]