The Story of “The Only Gay in Nigeria”

This gripping animated mini-doc details the true story of Bisi Alimi, a former Nigerian TV star who went from “preaching hell fire and damnation” about homosexuality to the first person in his country to come out on national TV. [Watch]

Guillermo del Toro TIFF Polyester Studio animated content| STASH MAGAZINE

Guillermo Del Toro Knows “Love is the Answer”

Polyester Studio’s insightful new animated content for TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) features the voice of Guillermo Del Toro advocating how in work and in life “we must choose love over fear.” [Watch]

Stash 130 trailer | STASH MAGAZINE
Bankwest Halo Payment Ring Buck animated spot | STASH MAGAZINE

Buck Says Hello to Halo for Bankwest

Entertainment and clarity merge perfectly in this vibrant and upbeat :30 from Buck’s Sydney studio introducing the Halo ring for Bankwest which allows you to fist-bump the payment terminal to complete your transaction. [Watch]

Shane Beam Conditioner animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

“Conditioner” Animated Short by Shane Beam

Fresh off the festival circuit, Shane Beam’s animated short film “Conditioner” provides a wonderfully strange and floaty kind of escape for a summer Friday afternoon. [Watch]

Nicola Gastaldi Gasta Dive In animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

“Dive In – An Illustrated Story” by Gasta

London motion designer, director, and lecturer Nicola Gastaldi (aka Gasta) merges his talent for GIFs with enigmatic poetry in this graphically striking short film. [Watch]

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