Ruffmercy Elektron Analog Heat +FX launch film | STASH MAGAZINE

New Ruffmercy Film Roughs Up Elektron’s Analog Heat +FX Box

Few motion artists have a style as distinctive as Ruffmercy and in a time when design often feels homogenous, new work from the UK director/animator – such as this film for Swedish musical instrument developer Elektron – is a refreshing thing. [Watch]

My-Galactic-Twin-Galaction-Short-Film-Sasha-Svirsky | STASH MAGAZINE

Enter the Perfectly Strange World of Sasha Svirsky’s “My Galactic Twin Galaction” Short Film

Russian director/artist Sasha Svirsky, who originally graduated as a painter and then taught himself animation, just released his wonderfully eccentric, multi-award-winning short film “My Galactic Twin Galaction” online. [Watch]

World Cup 2022 BBC Opening Titles Studio Something | STASH MAGAZINE

Studio Something Opens the 2022 World Cup on BBC

The 2022 World Cup finally kicked off today in Qatar with BBC’s coverage preceded by this boisterous motion sequence designed by Edinburgh’s Studio Something to celebrate the rhythms of the game. [Watch]

Pictet House Brand Film David and Pauline | STASH MAGAZINE

David & Pauline Elevate the Brand Film for Pictet

Keeping an audience’s interest for 30 seconds is tough enough, so how do you sustain their attention through a potentially very dry four-minute history of a 200-year-old financial services company? [Watch]

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