Stash 165 cover image | STASH MAGAZINE
AI vs Humans Baby on Board Safety Car Dog and Rabbit | STASH MAGAZINE

Dog & Rabbit Debates AI vs Humans in New Mixed Media Comedy Series

London studio Dog & Rabbit (aka Andrew Kelleher and Dave Anderson) mix stop-motion, live-action, and AI with traditional and 3D animation in the first episode of their new series of comedy shorts called Baby on Board Safety Car. [Watch]

The Beatles vs The Stones animated short film Dog & Rabbit | STASH MAGAZINE

Dog & Rabbit Stages The Beatles vs The Stones Album Art Smackdown

After a blisteringly successful run on the festival circuit, the playful minds at Dog & Rabbit in London have released their cheeky take on a faux-feud between the UK’s two biggest bands into the wilds of the internet. [Watch]