Roland Tempelaar "Tenderly" Music Video by Matt Smithson | STASH MAGAZINE

Roland Tempelaar “Tenderly” Music Video by Matt Smithson

Director/animator Matt Smithson: “A mostly improvised animation to a beautiful rendition of ‘Tenderly’ by [Dutch composer, pianist, and scientist] Roland Tempelaar from the upcoming album New York Chapter. [Watch]

Artgrid "Patterns" Stock Motion By Clim Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Artgrid “Patterns” Stock CG Motion By Clim Studio

Director/designer Clim at Clim Studio in Barcelona: “After winning Artgrid’s trust with our previous Art Loops Series, the stock footage platform asked us to create something fun to include in their always-growing catalogue. So we said ‘Let’s Go Patterns!’. [Watch]

Olivia Rodrigo "Brutal" Music Video by Petra Collins and an iPad | STASH MAGAZINE

Olivia Rodrigo “Brutal” Music Video by Petra Collins and Scholar

Canadian artist/photographer/model and director Petra Collins’ second video for actress and pop phenom Olivia Rodrigo features a flurry of animated AR masks created by the Scholar crew that keep the teen angst vibe on the light side. [Watch]

Donerzozo Opens "Your Life is Good" for Haokan Video | STASH MAGAZINE

Donerzozo Opens “Your Life is Good” for Haokan Video

Director/animator Donerzozo in Shanghai, China: “Your Life is Good is the first self-made variety show produced by Haokan Video, which is broadcast simultaneously on Haokan Video and Southeast TV in China every week.” [Watch]

Re:wild "What is a Ranger?" Brand Film by Fernao Spadotto | STASH MAGAZINE

Re:wild “What is a Ranger?” Brand Film by Fernao Spadotto

Fueled by a VO from actor/filmmaker Edward Norton, this film for Texas-based biodiversity charity Re:wild keeps the subject of wildlife rangers engaging by leveraging the collage skills of Brazilian motion designer Fernao Spadotto. [Watch]

Facebook "Report It" Brand Film by The Furrow | STASH MAGAZINE

Facebook “Report It” Brand Film by The Furrow

From the team at The Furrow in Lexington, Kentucky: “We partnered with Facebook’s safety team to help raise global awareness in the fight against child sexual abuse material on social media.” [Watch]