Garden Party animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Welcome to the “Garden Party”

Amphibians of various shapes and stickiness crash the aftermath of a decadent party, indulging in the leftovers and satin sheets before uncovering a dark secret hidden at the bottom of the pool. [Watch]

Check the Preview for Stash 123!

Stash 123 packs another 31 inspiring films into the Stash Permanent Collection, the planet’s largest online video library of design, animation, and VFX. [Watch]

Supinfocom Sur Ecoute | STASH MAGAZINE

Short and sweet: Léa Cousty “Sur Ecoute”

Strong character work, wonderful art direction and a brief lesson in listening from Léa Cousty and her short film “Sur Ecoute,” created during her fourth year studying animation at Supinfocom Valenciennes. [Watch]

Pinky Toe Calarts | STASH MAGAZINE

Mathieu Libman “Pinky Toe”

Jumping confidently between animation techniques including stop-motion, UPA-influenced 2D, and golden age black and white, 2nd year CalArts student Mathieu Libman ruminates on life, love, and small blessings in disguise with “Pinky Toe.” [Watch]

Afternoon Class animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Fighting to Stay Awake in “Afternoon Class”

South Korean animator/illustrator Seoro Oh takes the head-nodding battle against ill-timed drowsiness we all know well to it’s logical extreme in his 2D graduation film “Afternoon Class” [Watch]

Josh Swallow_Please | STASH MAGAZINE

2017 CalArts Character Animation Student Films

Perhaps because each student creates their own films (rather than in teams), graduation season at the California Institute of the Arts always produces a wide and intriguing array of short animated films. [Watch]