La légende de la chèvre qui connaissait le vrai sens de la montagne | STASH MAGAZINE

Three Goats, a Plane and the Meaning of the Mountain

Compact and perfectly formed CG short created in four weeks by three fourth-year students at French 3D animation school MoPA (formerly Supinfocom Arles) around the theme of “Fear of heights.” [Watch]

Less than Human animated short | STASH MAGAZINE

Are Reformed Zombies Really “Less than Human”?

So, here’s the thing: after the zombie apocalypse ended we exiled the surviving “cured” zombies into quarantine camps. Now some bleeding heart liberals want to re-integrate these creatures back into your neighborhood. [Watch]

Watch the Stash 121 Preview!

Here’s a little counter-programming for inauguration day 2017, a snappy two-minute peek at the 31 new animation, VFX and design projects included in Stash 121 and now part of the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]

Short film_draw-the-imagination | STASH MAGAZINE

Jaewoo Lee “Draw the Imagination”

Join Korean graphic designer Jaewoo Lee as he gives us a glimpse into how and why he made “Draw the Imagination,” a branding exercise for his yet-to-be design studio created during his studies at Visual Design Art School in Seoul, South Korea. [Watch]

forward short film| STASH MAGAZINE

Haein Kim “Forward” (possibly NSFW)

Here’s a little something to wake up your first Wednesday of 2017: a wonderfully NSFW-ish short capturing the tension and miscommunication of many relationships called “Forward.” The film was created by 23 year-old Sydney illustrator and animation student Haein Kim. [Watch]

Stash 120 Now Online: Watch the Preview!

Twelve years and 120 issues later, the Stash Permanent Collection keeps growing – delivering inspiration and insight to subscribers on six continents with access to over 4,400 outstanding design, animation and VFX projects PLUS behind-the-scenes features and exclusive Stash interviews. [Watch]