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MediaWork Spectrum short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Media.Work Explores Color Spectrum in New Motion Research

The team at Media.Work are back with a new in-house CG motion experiment that aims to reimagine color “not just as an established variable but as a living entity, evolving and interacting within its surrounding context.” [Watch]

Vodafone Da Storia Nasce Storia by Nerdo | STASH MAGAZINE

Nerdo Connects Generations With Technology for Vodafone

This new social film from the design and animation crew at Nerdo in Turin for Vodafone Italy provides ample evidence that a well-crafted (and drafted) story can engage and connect emotionally even when you don’t speak the language. [Watch]

ProSieben Die Superduper Show environment designs by TACTYC Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

TACTYC Studio Daydreams for “Die Superduper Show”

TACTYC Studio, whose sleek Michael Kors films we featured in Stash 164, takes a far more fantastical approach in this world-building assignment for The Superduper Show, a celebrity game program on Germany’s ProSieben network. [Watch]

WealthSimple Sluggish by Martin De Thurah and BaconX | STASH MAGAZINE

Martin De Thurah & BaconX Feeling “Sluggish” in New WealthSimple Spot

The animation and VFX crew at BaconX in Copenhagen and Epoch Films director Martin De Thurah combine forces for a cheeky take on the powers of perseverance in this beat-perfect spot for Canadian online investment platform Wealthsimple. [Watch]

Motion-North-Feb-2-2025 | STASH MAGAZINE

Motion North Brings the Big ‘Un to Manchester Feb 5, 2025

Join us Feb 5th at Motion North, the Manchester-based group of motion designers, animators, filmmakers, and VFX artists, as they celebrate their 50th gathering, the Big ‘Un, at the iconic New Century Hall. [Watch]

Scandisk redesign teaser video by Abra network | STASH MAGAZINE Intro’s SanDisk Rebrand With a Bang, the Warsaw motion studio who brought us these standout People Can Fly films, wraps the recent SanDisk rebrand from ELA Advertising into a riveting sequence of graphic deconstructions. [Watch]