Olympia short film by Nerdo | STASH MAGAZINE

Nerdo Pays Tribute to Failure and Perfection in “Olympia” Short Film

From Nerdo studio in Turin, Italy: “Achieving perfection requires discipline, strength, focus, and persistence. This is why every sport is a challenge, both physical and mental, with ourselves. [Watch]

BAARS Innovation brand film | STASH MAGAZINE

BAARS Eyewear “Innovation” Brand Film by Vincent Raineri and SHED

Director/motion designer Vincent Raineri in Paris: “As the first video in a series of three, this promotional statement created for the french artisans at BAARS Eyewear aimed to bring light to the magnetic hinges that make these frames so unique.” [Watch]

Digital Design Days opening title by TAVO | STASH MAGAZINE

The Virus of Creativity Invades Digital Design Days Opening Title

Director Tavo Ponce in Madrid: “Digital Design Days is a design and new technologies event held in Milán and Geneva. This year’s event is an online conference with more than 70 international artists, due to the COVID-19 situation. [Watch]

Microsoft Fluent UI design | STASH MAGAZINE

“Microsoft Fluent UI” by Vitaly Grossmann and Vincent Schwenk

Directors Vitaly Grossmann and Vincent Schwenk in Hamburg, Germany: “The Microsoft Design team approached us to create a teaser for their Fluent Design System – a collection of UX frameworks for creating web and mobile apps that share code, design, and interaction behavior. [Watch]

iHuman A.I Awakening by Rebel Unit | STASH MAGAZINE

“iHuman” A.I Awakening Doc Sequences by Rebel Unit

Theodor Groeneboom at VFX boutique Rebel Unit in Norway: “We were commissioned to create an abstract visualization of the awakening of a fictional AI character for Tonje Hessen-Schei’s documentary iHuman. [Watch]

SYMBIOSIS art collaboration | STASH MAGAZINE

Sound Designers Take the Lead in “Symbiosis” Motion Collaboration

Moscow motion and concept designer Maslov Sergey gathers 19 sound designers and 22 motion designers to reverse the usual motion-first production pipeline and reveal “the full creative abilities of both professions.” [Watch]