Vans “Custom Culture 2019” by Andy Baker
Hornet director Andy Baker teams up with Doug Cunningham and Jason Noto (aka Morning Breath, Inc.) in Brooklyn on a delirious promo for Van’s Custom Culture 2019. [Watch]
Hornet director Andy Baker teams up with Doug Cunningham and Jason Noto (aka Morning Breath, Inc.) in Brooklyn on a delirious promo for Van’s Custom Culture 2019. [Watch]
London 3D artist and motion designer Peter Tomaszewicz follows up his striking 2018 film “Silent Aesthetics” with a more vibrant collaboration called “The Woven Exhibitionist” with designer Martina Spetlova at sustainable fashion brand MWoven. [Watch]
The Australian Chamber Orchestra’s 2020 Season takes dramatic shape in six striking CG films set to music hand-picked by ACO musicians and created by Substance in Sydney in concert with an international cast of design directors. [Watch]
Andrés Reisinger at Reisinger Studio in Barcelona: “Reisinger Studio was approached to concept and create a film for the Microsoft Dark Mode which involves a wide spectrum of both grayscale and color gradients.” [Watch]
Creative director Jorge R. Canedo E. and Vancouver motion studio Ordinary Folk create visual poetry from a script by writer/CD Julie Rybarczyk to promo Webflow’s upcoming conference about the future of software development. [Watch]
The Racecar crew in Oslo elevates outdoor furniture manufacturer Vestre’s Parklets 2.0 modular urban flooring system into an abstract work of art in this whimsical yet informative product film. [Watch]