Convincing the World that “Love Matters”

Portuguese creative houses HomemBala and AIM Studios team up to make the case for the Love Matters initiative from Dutch NGO RNW Media, a program focused on the sexual health and rights of young people. [Watch]

Monsters Dorothea Lasky | STASH MAGAZINE

Unleashing Dorothea Lasky’s “Monsters”

It may look like it was hand painted by a mischievous Van Gogh in grade school but this new Motionpoem, by Method Studios for “Monsters” by Dorothea Lasky, hides a complex workflow beneath its lighthearted surface. [Watch]

Josh Swallow_Please | STASH MAGAZINE

2017 CalArts Character Animation Student Films

Perhaps because each student creates their own films (rather than in teams), graduation season at the California Institute of the Arts always produces a wide and intriguing array of short animated films. [Watch]

Lost Hope animated short | STASH MAGAZINE

Art&Graft “Lost Hope”

Exactly two years ago London design and animation studio Art&Graft released their wonderful in-house project “The Walk”, a calm, almost ambient ode to light and perambulation. [Watch]

Animation Festival Berln | STASH MAGAZINE

Keeping an Eye on the Festival of Animated Film Berlin

Berlin design and animation studio dyrdee have all sorts of fun abusing a helpless group of eyeballs to promote the Festival of Animated Film Berlin (opening at the Villa Neuköln, April 25). [Watch]

Imaginary Forces demo Reel

Imaginary Forces: 17 Years Later

Demo reels serve as the primary sales tool for studios, but they also act as unintentional time capsules reflecting the tastes and attitudes of the company, their clients, and the audiences they target. [Watch]